Gods and Goddesses Gallery
Yogini. Awakening

Yogini. Awakening

Yoginis transmit various levels of siddhis or yogic and mystical perfections. They are bearers of knowledge and possess different natures according to the gunas—goodness, passion, and ignorance.

The essence of yoga is the union of the soul with the Supersoul. Higher states are solidified in practice after overcoming attachments to the ego or false concepts of "I" and "mine."

True prosperity comes as this connection with the Supersoul in yoga deepens. The skull on the lotus, with the pierced Brahmarandhra at the crown of the head, symbolizes the purification of consciousness at the level of life choices. Higher levels of awareness become possible thereafter.

Through practice and regulation of the Ida and Pingala channels, the dormant, serpent-like Kundalini energy is awakened. A purified heart leads to true enlightenment or union in yoga.

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Size: 50x70 cm

Status: for sale